Monday, September 10, 2012

Colors of the Rainbow.

Teaching young ones the character trait of self-respect can be daunting. They don't understand abstract concepts and need concrete examples.

Some examples of how little ones can show themselves self respect are:

  • Eating healthy
  • Brushing their teeth
  • Getting a good night's sleeps
  • Picking up their toys
  • Treating animals nice
  • Not being mean to nature (squashing bugs, destroying leaves on a plant, etc.)
 Here's an activity that kids will enjoy that teaches the need for a healthy diet.

Eating the Colors of the Rainbow.

Depending on the age of the children they can either draw a rainbow themselves or you can make copies of a black and white rainbow to be colored. Here is a link to a rainbow that can printed off

With each color of the rainbow have the kids name fruits and vegetable that match each color.

Some examples
    • Red: Apples, Strawberries, Rhubarb, Watermelon, Cherries, Raspberries
    • Orange: Oranges, Squash, Carrots, Cantaloupes, Sweet Potato
    • Yellow: Pears, lemons, peppers, bananas, pineapples
    • Green: Peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, Brussels sprouts
    • Blue/Indigo: Blueberries, Plums
    • Purple/Violet: Grapes, Raisins, blackberries
Challenge the kids to eat something new. Express that it's OK if they don't like it, but they still need to try it.  If the school allows it, bring in samples of the different colors.

For older kids, share with them the healthy benefits that veggies and fruits have. Kids like to know that carrots help the eyes.

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