Thursday, August 30, 2012

Class Rules

It is important to set up class rules immediately. The character class has to become a safe place for students to share and learn.

Here are some basic ground rules:

  • Emphasize that the classroom (or where ever you are teaching) is a safe place. We are here to share and learn from each other.
  • Don't speak when someone else is speaking. Raise your hand when you want to be heard.
  • Respect other students by really listening to what they have to say. Don't judge yourself or anyone for what is said or shared.
  • No Names are to be mentioned. If you tell a story about what someone said or did, just say "this person" instead of their name.
  • NO GOSSIPING! Do not repeat what you heard about other students to anyone. You don't want anyone repeating what you have shared.
  • It is okay to talk to others about the lessons you have learned. By sharing character lessons, they too can become character teachers.

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