Friday, August 24, 2012

Ice Breaker Day II

In the first icebreaker you had the students create name tents with three things about themselves and to answer the question: What kind of vehicle do you think I drive?

Hand the name tents back out to the kids and ask then one by one what type of car they think you drive. Compile the answers and ask the kids why they choose the certain type of car. Why did some choose a mini van, a 4-door sedan or a truck?

When you have the information, let the class know what type of vehicle you drive.  Then discuss with them, the idea of stereotypes.

The last class I did this with were tied between a mini van and a nice business type car. They choose the mini van because they knew I was a mom and they choose the nice business car because I was in high heels. Some choose a truck because they knew I had a mini farm.

The correct answer was a mini van. It gave us an opportunity to discuss how we judge people, maybe for the clothes we wear, the fact that we are parents, or where we live. It also opens up the discussion for times when they have felt they were stereotyped for good or bad.

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