Saturday, August 25, 2012

Giraffes Can't Dance.

The book "Giraffes Can't Dance" written by Giles Andreae, is an excellent book to read during a Character Education lesson. The story and colorful illustrations are perfect;  they hold the attention of even Preschoolers.
The story details a giraffe, Gerald, who can't dance like the other animals. They all laugh at him and pick on his long legs and lack of rhythm. Gerald is sad and goes off by himself when a cricket shows him how to access his own natural dance and self expression. 

There are opportunities for discussion within this book to get the children to think with empathy and then relate it to themselves and others.

  • How did Gerald feel when all the animals laughed at him? Has anyone ever laughed at you for something? Have you ever laughed at someone and it made them feel bad?

  • Gerald found his own way to dance, though it was different, it was wonderful. Do you know of anyone who did things different from others? Have you ever done something different just because you like it? Were you ever made fun of for it?

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