Thursday, August 23, 2012

The most important character trait of all... Respect

Each Character Trait that we try to instill in children is important, however there is one that I always come back to regardless of the lesson. RESPECT.

You might think, yeah I know... Respect for authority, Respect for your teachers, your parents, property etc. These are all great but the one that needs to be drilled into everyone is:
When you respect yourself, it is much easier to respect others. When you value yourself and your differences, you can then value the differences of others. By teaching kids to embrace who they are we help build a shield of self esteem that will help them navigate the world. 
Most of the lessons I have taught whether it is about citizenship or caring have always lead back to self respect. When you recycle you are showing good citizenship but you are also showing self respect because you are taking care of your earth and property.
"I will treat you like a gentleman, sir, not because you are one, but because I am." ----- Abraham Lincoln

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