Monday, November 19, 2012

Regrow food from scraps

Celery growth after 3 weeks

There is a neat trick that you can do with celery, you can Regrow it. This is a great project for kids too. It can teach them just how amazing nature is; it perseveres and never gives up.
Here are the easy steps.

1. Buy a whole celery stalk, with the root bottom still intact. Cut the bottom off leaving 2 inches of stalk attached.

2. Place the bottom in a bowl of water. Don't completely cover the stalk.

3. Place in a sunny spot and wait approx a week. You will begin to see the middle of the stalk sprout.

4. When your stalk is well established, you can either plant it in a pot indoors or you can start it outside once the danger of frost has passed.

You can keep your own supply of celery growing all year.
** You can also do this with romaine, pineapple, and lettuce

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